Introducing Pacific Prime’s Global Employee Benefits Trends Report 2022

Introducing Pacific Prime’s Global Employee Benefits Trends Report 2022

December 28, 2022

Need an update on the latest employee benefits trends from around the globe? For the third year running, our report gives business leaders, HR professionals and employees a fresh look at what’s happening in the world of employee benefits. 

In this Pacific Prime CXA article, we list the top 5 employee benefits trends to know about from the report, but if you are eager to relish our unique findings, head to our landing page and download your FREE copy of the Global Employee Benefits Trends 2022 Report here!

The five global employee benefits trends of 2022

For the last 3 years, we have kept a watchful eye on several employee benefits trends. In fact, many of the trends mentioned in this report have evolved over time as the needs of employees changed - becoming more specific in nature. 

More so, employers are now catching on to the importance of providing benefits that yield productivity and sustain business operations, and are holistic. So in no particular order, here are the top 5 employee benefits to know about from around the globe.

1. The “Great return to the office” by employers

We can certainly agree that COVID-19 has permanently changed the way we do things and interact with the world. At the same time, we can also reflect well on the fact that it allowed us to adapt and move from offices to homes or places where we could continue doing work safely and happily. (At least for the majority of office workers across the globe.)

However, it’s now clear that as we shift to a post-COVID-19 era, employers are looking to bring employees back to the office. And how this will be done depends on the methods employers adopt and the employee benefits offered to employees.

Given the likelihood of a global recession in 2023, the cost of living and financial uncertainty will be top of mind for employees. That said, employers are well aware of the struggles that most face, and some are offering lucrative incentives to get employees back in, including four-day work weeks, lunch subsidies, and more. 

But it’s definitely not easy to convince employees, especially those who thoroughly enjoy the autonomy and freedom that comes with working from home or remotely. Fortunately, the report offers plenty of practical tips for employers who are searching for ways to facilitate a smooth return to the office.

2. HR tech and employee monitoring

There’s been considerable attention in the media surrounding HR technology being used to monitor employees’ performance. In fact, it’s become a new normal for employees who work from home or remotely. Whatever your thoughts are on the use of HR technology, many will argue that it encourages engagement between managers and employees, as well as improves security. However, the anxiety caused and its impact on workforce trust could negatively affect employees’ perception and, consequently, the positive intentions of surveillance.

This section of the report looks at workplace surveillance and offers an overview of why employers are interested in it.

3. The adoption of a holistic approach when designing employee benefits

The last few years have seen a surge in employers turning to a holistic approach when designing employee benefits offerings. Gone are the days when benefits are picked and given to employees without a comprehensive (and holistic) review of what’s best for them. 

With workforce needs constantly changing, a holistic approach helps employers to stay on the path of offering employee benefits that support their physical, emotional, social and spiritual well-being. 

The report goes deeper into this trend and offers tips for employers to consider to support employee well-being and more.

4. The fresh perspective of Gen Zs

It’s a known fact that as we grow old, so does our ability to perform at our best. This is why companies are always on the prowl for top applicants, especially Gen Zs in the ”War for Talent”.

Gen Z's enormous potential includes their ideas, energy, inspiration and innovation. But to entice Gen Zs to join, employers must first understand their needs, mindset and values. This section goes over some of the solutions that employers can adopt and offer, such as “green benefits”, and the importance of flexible benefits. Read about them and more in the report.

5. The future of fairness and equality in the workplace

When it comes to fairness and equality in the workplace, employees are expecting, if not calling for, transparency and change that ultimately lifts them from hardships and supports them in the long term. With this in mind, the report goes into further detail by examining what fairness and equality is in the workplace, why it is important and why employers need to integrate diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives and more. 

Download the Global Employee Benefits Trends Report 2022

Get a FREE copy of the report and explore the aforementioned trends, which are accompanied by plenty of real-world business examples, case studies, illustrations and key insights from our employee benefits specialists.

For a FREE benefits review, contact our expert team today.
